AdminBox : A Tool Box for Administration Rights Delegation
Simplify, secure, and automate the administration of Microsoft 365 tenants
Our observation:
- There are two opposing visions of Microsoft 365 administration: complete centralization and local delegation
- Full centralization is the option commonly used for lack of tools allowing local delegation under control
- Centralization adds to local processes and weighs on central administrators
- It makes local IT managers less autonomous and responsible
- It can generate Shadows IT by rejecting too centralized processes
Objectives of our AdminBox offer:
Centralize to better delegate:
- The complex administrative actions with general impact, or difficult to delegate, are managed at a Regional or Central level.
- IT Local is autonomous for its most common needs and the closest to its users. He can carry out his own administrative actions in a controlled, secure and traced manner. This avoids having to perform frequent low value-added actions in Central.
The eCom CS AdminBox offer is:
- Identification of the most common IT administration needs
- Definition of the rules of use (standardization, traceability, …)
- Implementation of delegation processes and tools:
– Treatment of the most frequent acts of administration
– On the perimeters of users and objects for which local ITs are responsible
– Via simple and controlled interfaces
– With the necessary and controlled delegation of rights
The advantages of our offer:
- A customized administration toolbox according to your needs
- Less frustration and more responsiveness for local IT
- Less value-added actions for Central IT
- Guaranteed security without multiplying the number of Global Admins
You are interested and want to know more? Contact us.
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